Sunday, June 29, 2008

Camo Tactics

Now if you are playing airsoft or fighting in some foreknown wasteland you have to now what you are doing. In this section I'm discussing the key to camouflage. Lets start with the basics The camo itself, now you have lots to choose from, you have (woodland, Urban Tiger, Tri Color Desert, Tiger Stripe Woodland, Smokey Branch, City, ACU Digital, Ghillie Suites, Marine Digital, Digital Urban, Digital Desert, 6 Color Desert, and Concrete camo. Now I prefer Digital Styles but you need to choose stuff that fits with your surroundings. If your Uniform allows it you may also want to vedge up your camo or place native growing plants and leaves on your uniform.
A lot of what you do on the field effects how well you blend in. As I like to say slow is fast, and fast is slow. when in the woods keep the foliage between you and the enemy. when you move move slow and look where you step. Always move heal to toe and listen to the sounds around you. you always need to stay alert when you move so keeping your mouth slightly open will keep you more alert.
Things to remember are that scent, sound, sight, are major things that effect camouflage. Scent describes how well your sent can be traced, lets just say god help you if their are dogs but for gods sake don't eat a 3 cheese burrito and hide behind enemy lines. Sound is a big one if you make to much noise someone is going to know your their. In every situation their is ambient noise in the background, the key is not to make any noise that is not masked by background noise, so no drums on the battle field. Sight is the major one and this is where camo and not moving much come into play, brake up your outline by wearing good camo and placing your pouches around your vest so they are easily reachable but make sure they are spread out, so no dancing the Tango with an M16 in a read skirt.
The last peace of advice I have is that of a woodland type situation but it can be changed around to fit your needs. when you hide behind foliage remember that the enemy must look into the foliage to see you, so use shadows to your advantage and do not get right up to the front of the foliage, move back a little and look threw the stuff in front of you. And you can clear out a hide about 2 feet back in the foliage, and remember that its harder for someone to see you in your hide because of shadows, depth, and your outline should be broken up.
Always remember to be slow and careful. And my last suggestion is face paint but thats more than I want to get into other than black is great for making longer things seam flat and so on and so forth. Good luck and thanks for reading.